Two Thumbs Up
Sucking is an instinct that babies are born with. It serves an important function for feeding and soothing in newborns. However, sucking habits that last beyond age 3 and happen in more than 1 setting, such as home and school, are considered chronic. When a sucking habit becomes chronic, it is time to consider elimination.
Impacts of chronic sucking habits
Anchors the tongue down and forward, which prevents the tongue from resting on the roof of the mouth.
Contributes to immature or abnormal tongue movement patterns.
Blocks the teeth from coming in correctly and can contribute to dental malocclusions such as crossbite, anterior bite, or overjet.
Contributes to a high narrow arched palate due to constant pressure of the thumb agains the roof of the mouth
Changes respiratory patterns, contributing to open mouth resting lip posture.
Often causes calluses and infections on the fingers or thumbs
Contributes to speech sound errors
Can interfere with peer and family relationships
Decreases focus when thumb sucking occurs in school
How I help
There have been many treatment approaches, over the years, ranging from mechanical devices to psychobodydynamic therapy. We’ve also all heard of children getting their fingers painted with bad tasting stuff by well meaning family members. Frankly, these approaches don’t work for 1 reason. The motivation is coming from other people–not the person with the habit. Research shows that the most effective approach is behavior modification. At Oregon Orofacial, we use a blend of conscious awareness, motivation, positive reinforcement, and mini reward systems. Elimination of the sucking habit generally occurs within ten days and/or nights.
Who can benefit?
thumb suckers
finger suckers
finger pickers
nail biters